Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Review of Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess

Fantastically funny, fresh and utterly relatable, Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess is the first novel in her brand new series about five twenty-something friends—Pia, Angie, Julia, Coco and Madeleine—sharing a brownstone in hip, downtown Brooklyn, and discovering the ups and downs and ins and outs of  their “semi-adult” lives. The first story belongs to sophisticated, spoiled, and SkinnyWheels—all while dealing with hipster bees, one-night-stands, heartbreak, parental fury, wild parties, revenge, jail, loan sharks, playboys, karaoke, true love, and one adorable pink food truck. And that's without counting her roommates' problems, too. Gemma Burgess has captured the confusion, hilarity and excitement of the post-graduate years against a backdrop of the pressures and chaos of New York City life, with heartfelt empathy, fast humor and sharp honesty.

stylish Pia, who finds herself completely unemployed, unemployable, and broke. So what is a recent grad with an art history degree and an unfortunate history of Facebook topless photos to do? Start a food truck business of course! Pia takes on the surprisingly cutthroat Brooklyn world of hybrid lettuce growers, artisanal yogurt makers and homemade butter producers to start
A charming debut series about five twenty-something girls and the humor, heartbreak, and drama that bring them together
Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess is a wonderfully heartwarming novel that all twenty-something women are sure to identify with. The character of Pia was funny, smart, and I loved how the character grew throughout the story. Each of the characters face a variety of issues that affect twenty-somethings every day. What I loved the most about Brooklyn Girls was despite all of the struggles the characters were forced to overcome they stuck together and supported one another through all of the ups and downs that were thrown their way. The bond between the characters reminded me a lot of the bond between the women from the Sex in the City series.

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